What is ‘Brand Experience Design’?

Experience Design is closer in spirit to poetry, theatre, and even philosophy than it is to interior design and branding.
—  Bruce Sterling (2009)

Brand Experience Design attends to the entire client experience—from first touchpoint to last, in-person and online—with exquisite attention to the subtle elements that reliably generate visceral, joy-inducing satisfaction, such as:

People-Centered Spaces.png

When branding or rebranding, your online presence and marketing collateral are only part of the story. Your physical environment is even more central to how your clients experience your brand.

Brand Experience Design creates a visceral, sensual, heart-centered experience of delight throughout. It fosters and feeds a felt sense of connection and spiritual nourishment.

We’ll consider every element of your client’s journey through your physical and digital space—and their sensory and kinesthetic experience of it.

Let’s put your wellness business in the most well-seated position for drawing in and nourishing a devoted community of kindreds.

We’ll take an in-depth look at how your physical space can capture hearts and captivate the senses, while carrying your brand vision all the way through to the bodies and souls of the folks you’ve set out to serve.

Brand Experience Design consciously cross-pollinates your core ‘Brand Essence’ between the physical and digital worlds to create a layered, cohesive experience.

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